WhatsApp Order Tracking Widget

This widget allows customers to receive their order tracking information via WhatsApp.

How to Use

1. Embed the Script

Add the following two script tags to your HTML file, preferably just before the closing </body> tag.

  • The first one is for configuration.
  • Second one actually loads the UI Widget
<script> window.user_id = "your_chatarmin_userid" window.wa_phone_number = "your_whatsapp_number" window.order_id = "customer_order_id" window.mount_element_selector = "#your_mount_element_id" </script> <script src="https://typ.chatarmin.com/index.js" type="module"></script>

2. Optional Configuration

You can customize the widget by setting additional variables:

<script> window.wa_force_number_input = true window.wa_message = "Custom WhatsApp message" window.wa_title = "Custom widget title" window.wa_text = "Custom widget text" window.wa_placeholder = "Custom input placeholder" window.wa_button_text = "Custom button text" window.wa_success_title = "Custom success title" window.wa_success_text = "Custom success text" window.wa_error_phone_number = "Custom phone number error" window.wa_error = "Custom general error" window.customer.email = "example@email.com" </script>

Configuration Variables

wa_phone_numberYour WhatsApp number (required)None
user_idYour Chatarmin User ID (required)None
order_idCustomer's order ID (required)None
mount_element_selectorCSS selector for the mount element (required)None
wa_force_number_inputAlways show desktop version with number inputfalse
wa_messageCustom message for WhatsApp"Hey, ich würde gerne meine Versandbestätigung auch über WhatsApp erhalten. Die Bestellnummer lautet"
wa_titleWidget title"Deine Bestellung per WhatsApp verfolgen!"
wa_textWidget description"Trage dich jetzt ein und wir schicken dir deine Sendungsnummer per WhatsApp, sobald deine Bestellung versendet wurde:"
wa_placeholderInput placeholder"Deine WhatsApp-Nummer eingeben ..."
wa_button_textSubmit button text"Jetzt Sendungsnummer erhalten!"
wa_success_titleSuccess message title"Das hat funktioniert!"
wa_success_textSuccess message text"Wir schicken dir deine Sendungsnummer per WhatsApp, sobald deine Bestellung versendet wurde."
wa_error_phone_numberPhone number error message"Ungültige Nummer"
wa_errorGeneral error message"Fehler: .."
customer.emailSet the customer Email in ChatarminNone


Here's an example of how to implement the widget:

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>Order Tracking Widget Example</title> </head> <body> <div id="whatsapp-widget-container"></div> <script> window.wa_phone_number = "491571361273" window.user_id = "XXXX" window.order_id = "1234567890" window.mount_element_selector = "#whatsapp-widget-container" </script> <script src="https://typ.chatarmin.com/index.js" type="module"></script> </body> </html>

This example sets up the widget with a custom WhatsApp number, forces the number input to be displayed, sets an order ID, and specifies the mount element for the widget.

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